Friday, May 20, 2011


Well yesterday was an ...umm, interesting day!  Our transfer was scheduled for 11:30am so we leave the house at about 9:15am.  I'm waiting for about 10 minutes for my *darling* husband.  We get down the street & he tells me he forgot something at home. WTF!!  So I go back and wait a few more minutes.  Now we are cutting it close to time & still need to stop and get my 2 liters of water since my bladder needs to be full.  I drove down there so he could get some work done on his lap top.  I was averaging about 80-85mph to try and make up some time.  An hour before transfer I need to empty my bladder and start drinking.  Luckily there was a rest stop so I did that quickly.  We were about 20 minutes from the clinic & what happens????  I get frickin PULLED OVER!!!!!!!  We try to explain to the officer that we are going to the Dr for IVF.  He had no idea what that was so we had to say "invitro fertilization" and it is very time sensitive.  He seemed like he was a little understanding & then says he still needs to give me a ticket.  Thanks A$$HOLE!!!  It was a speed trap and I got clocked by a cop that was on a bridge...83 in a 65...oops!!  So I made hubby call the office to let them know we will be late...I was a nervous wreck at this point.  So I get a whopping $120 fine but he didn't keep my license & I won't have to go to court.

We finally make it to the office & they all had a good chuckle about me getting a ticket!  At least they weren't mad that we were late.

OK, now on to the good stuff.  They give me valium to relax me & the tech comes in to tell us they are going to transfer 1 blast.  OH NO, I don't think so!!  I put up a fight for my 2 blasts!!  He kept telling me...well according to the American Reproductive Society (or what ever he said) and your age, they recommend one.  I told him this is my FOURTH transfer, we've always transferred 2 and they've never worked.  He said he would go ask the Dr about doing two.  Dr agreed & we got our two!!! YAY!!!!!  We had transferred an "awesome" grade 2 & an "OK" grade 3...both with GES of 70's.  The transfer took maybe 10 minutes & then I just layed there while we talked with the embryologist.  Betas are next week on 5/25 & 5/27.  Originally they had them for 5/27 & 5/31 but we leave for Florida on the 27th so the nurse moved them up for us. =) 

Ive been a couch potato ever since yesterday and it's actually kind of boring.  Today while I was watching some TV I got a call from the embryologist.  She said unfortunately none of the remaining 6 embryos will be frozen.  This is so upsetting!  She did say she has high hopes for our "over-achiever" though.  Please pray that this one works!!  We only have 1 more cycle left in the package that we purchased.

5 more days until beta #1................

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

No Day 3 transfer!

So ever since Sunday I've been wondering how my babies have been doing.  I've been anxiously awaiting the phone call from the office manager & the day has finally came.  She said we are being pushed to a Day 5 tranfer & I couldn't be HAPPIER!!!!  Finally!! 

Here is the updated fert report:
5 grade 1's w/ no fragmentation: two 7-cell & three 8-cell
3 grade 2's: one 7-cell, one 9-cell, & one 10-cell
GES scores are: (2)65, (3)70, 25, & (2)100

Originally they told me I had 7 embryos but they mis-counted and I really have 8 that are still growing strong!  Transfer is set for Thursday @ 11:30am!  How many we are transferring is still pending.  We've always done 2 & never have gotten pregnant.  I emailed Dr H to see if we can do 3 and I'm waiting to hear his thoughts on that.

Oh, another good covered my intralipids!!!!!  I only have to pay $43 instead of the self pay rate of $500!!!  What a relief since I will need those every month until 26 weeks.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Egg Retrieval & Fert Report

Saturday morning was my egg retrieval & all went well.  We got 14 eggs!!  I was feeling a little more sore this time around but I took advantage of our 2hr drive & napped on the way home.  All day Saturday was spent either laying on the couch or was great!

I got the call this morning with my fert report:
14 retrieved
12 mature
7 fertilized

I'm a little worried that we only have 7 to work with but I'm just hoping that they are great quality ones!!  We are tentatively on the schedule for a day 3 transfer for Tuesday @ 1pm.  They will call me that morning to let me know whether we go in or will push it to a day 5.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Time for a trigger dance!!!!!

OK, I finally got the call............HCG will be given tonight @ 10:30pm & ER is set for Saturday morning @ 9am.  We will need to be there at 8:15 so it will be an early morning since it's a 2hr drive.

Let's hope for some normal eggs and that we can make it for a day 5 transfer this time!!!!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Getting closer!

I know I haven't been on here in awhile but things are moving along AWESOME!!!  Monday (5/9/11) was my first u/s & E2 draw.  I was a little discouraged at that appt.  I had about 6 or so follicles on each ovary measuring 10mm and below.  They told me I would most likely be doing 2 more nights of stims & to make an appt for Wednesday but wait for the call from the nurse.  The nurse called in the afternoon & confirmed what they told me.  My lining was a beautiful 11.3 & E2 was only 422.

Today I took the 2 hour trek back to SIRM for the seocond u/s & E2.  Things were looking MUCH better.  For some reason my lining went down to 9.4 but that is still good.  There were 8 follicles on my left ovary & about 6-8 on my right side.  Alot of them were 14mm & some were even 16-18mm.  After that I met with my coordinator & she gave my my HCG instructions!!!!  I am to do one more night of stims first though.  We will be triggering tomorrow night (5/12/11) but she will call me with the time & egg retrieval will be Saturday (5/14/11) and she will also confirm the time for that as well.  I'm so excited to get things moving!!!!  Now let's hope & pray that these batch of eggs are normal and develop into healthy babies! =)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Getting closer....

I've been on Follistim since Tuesday.  I started out 2 days on 225iu.  Thursday I made the 2hr trek to get my intralipids done.  Hopefully they supressed my NK cells enough and lets my embyros implant ;)  Last time I had mom with me but this time I did it on my own.  It went good, just laid there for 2 hours & studied for my upcoming final.  After the IV was done I met up with one of my online friends & had a great time.

Once I got home it was shot time.  I had lowered the Follistim to 150iu & added in 1/2 vial of Menopur.  I always get nervous when mixing the Menopur so I had to watch the video online for it LOL  It all came back to me and it was all good.

Monday morning I will be heading back to see Dr H for my first u/s & E2 draw.  Hoping to have a good number of follies brewing and we will know more of when ER will land.

So to make my life even more stressful..........Monday I have my u/s and I also have my final at school.  We now also have a relative staying with us for awhile.  Oh boy, should be an interesting time. =)

Friday, April 29, 2011

Almost stim time!!

Well it's almost that time again.  Since I've gotten my calendar the coordinator called to let me know they reveiwed my protocol & decided to bring down my Follistim dose to 225.  She says every month they have a "lab meeting" to go over everyone's calendars and realized mine was too high.  DUH...what did I email you about WEEKS ago!  I'm just glad they caught it before I came down with some major OHSS!!!!  I've been on Lupron for 10 days now & all i have to complain about it a few hot flashes here & there.  I did warn DH though in advance. LOL  I start my 225iu of Follistim on Tues, go in for intralipids on Thurs.  Thurs I also cut back on the Follistim to 150iu & add in 1/2 vial of Menopur.  Things should be moving pretty quick from this point on.  E2 yesterday came back good so I don't have to worry about that.  First u/s will be on the 9th...which is also the same day as my final...YIKES!!!

About a week ago I had some major bloody nose incidences that scared the CRAP out of me!!  I thought it was from the Lupron but it turns out it's this stupid midwest weather.  I did get it under control.